Publication list of Yuki Igarashi (Mori)
Peer Reviewed International Journal Papers and Conferences

Mizuki Ishida*, Kaori Ikematsu*, and Yuki Igarashi. 2024. Designing Privacy-Protecting System with Visual Masking Based on Investigation of Privacy Concerns in Virtual Screen Sharing Environments. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, ISS, Article 533 (December 2024), 24 pages. (* joint first authors)
Yuki Igarashi and Takeo Igarashi. Pixel Art Adaptation for Handicraft Fabrication. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2022), 41-Issue 7, 2022.
Yuki Ikeda and Yuki Igarashi. Podiy: a system for design and production of pouches by novices. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, March 2022 issue. (accepted)
Yuki Igarashi.
BandWeavy: Interactive Modeling for Craft Band Design
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume: 39, Issue: 05, Pages: 96-103, 2019.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Jun Mitani.
"Computational Design of Iris Folding Patterns"
Computational Visual Media, 2016.
Man Zhang, Yuki Igarashi, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Mitani.
"Component-based Building Instructions for Block Assembly"
Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2016, accepted.
Man Zhang, Yuki Igarashi, Yoshihiro Kanamori, and Jun Mitani.
"Designing Mini Block Artwork from Colored Mesh." Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, SmartGraphics 2015, to appear.
Yuki Igarashi, Jun Mitani,
"Weavy: Interactive Card-Weaving Design and Construction,"
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 22-29, July-Aug. 2014,
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi and Jun Mitani.
Beady: Interactive Beadwork Design and Construction.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2012),
Volume 31, Issue 4, Article No. 49, Los Angels, USA, August 2012.
Yuki Igarashi and Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Cover Geometry Design using Multiple Convex Hulls."
Computer-Aided Design, Volume 43, Issue 9, September 2011, pp.1154-1162.
Yuki Igarashi.
"DECO: A Designing Editor for Rhinestone Decoration."
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, September/October 2011 (vol. 31 no. 5), pp. 90-94, 2011.
Yuki Igarashi and Takeo Igarashi.
"Holly: A Drawing Editor for Designing Stencils."
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, July/August 2010 issue (vol.30, No.4), pp.8-14.
Yuki Igarashi and Takeo Igarashi.
"Designing Plush Toys with a Computer."
Communications of ACM, Volume 52, Issue 12, pp.81-88, December, 2009.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Interactive Cover Design Considering Physical Constraints."
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2009), Vol.28, No.7, pp.1965-1973,
Jeju, Korea, Oct. 2009.
Takeo Igarashi and Yuki Igarashi.
"Implementing As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation and Surface Flattening."
Journal of Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools, A.K.Peters, Volume 14, Number 1, pp.17-30,
ISSN:2151-237X, June, 2009.
(without talk)
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Knitting a 3D Model."
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2008),
Volume 27, Number 7, pp.1737-1743, ISSN 0167-7055,
Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2008.
Cover Image
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi.
"Pillow: Interactive Flattening of a 3D Model for Plush Toy Design."
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (SmartGraphics 2008),
Vol. 5166/2008, pp.1-7,
Rennes, France, August 2008.
Yuki Mori, Takeo Igarashi, Ryo Haraguchi, and Kazuo Nakazawa.
"A Pen-based Interface for Generating Graphical Reports of Findings
in Cardiac Catheterization."
Methods of Information in Medicine, 2007;46(6) pp.694-699.
(ISSN 0026-1270) (without talk)
Yuki Mori, Takeo Igarashi.
"Plushie: An Interactive Design System for Plush Toys."
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2007),
vol.26, No.3, 45:1-8, San Diego, USA, August 2007.
Yuki Mori, Shigeo Takahashi, Takeo Igarashi, Yuriko Takeshima, Issei Fujishiro.
"Automatic Cross-Sectioning based on Topological Volume Skeletonization,"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3638,
(SmartGraphics 2005), Munich, Germany, 22-24 August,
ISBN:978-3-540-28179-5, pp.175-184, 2005.
Peer Reviewed International Conference Papers (not Journal Papers)
- Kunihiro Kato, Kaori Ikematsu, Yuki Igarashi, Yoshihiro Kawahara. "Paper-Woven Circuits: Fabrication Approach for Papercraft-based Electronic Devices. " TEI '22: Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied InteractionFebruary 2022 Article No.: 29, Pages 1?11
Yuki Igarashi and Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Designing a new toy to fit other toy shapes
- A shape-matching toy design based on existing building-blocks -" .
The 14th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics,
Kyoto Japan, August 5-9, 2010.(to appear)
PDF, abstract
Peer Reviewed Short papers Demo, and Posters (International Conferences)

Mizuki Ishida, Kaori Ikematsu, and Yuki Igarashi. 2024.
ScreenConcealer: Privacy-protection System with Obfuscations for Screen Sharing. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST Adjunct '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 35, 1-3.
Kunihiro Kato, Ami Motomura, Kaori Ikematsu, Hiromi Nakamura, Yuki Igarashi. Demonstrating FoodSkin: A Method for Creating Electronic Circuits on Food Surfaces by Using Edible Gold Leaf for Enhancement of Eating Experience. In the 2023 CHI Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23 EA), (2023). [DOI]
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Jun Mitani.
"Computational Design of Iris Folding Patterns"
Pacific Graphics 2016 Short Papers.
Yuki Igarashi, Tsubasa Hiyama and Kaoru Arakawa.
"An Interactive System for Original Necklace Design."
ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters, Anaheim, Jul. 2016.
- Yuki Igarashi and Jun Mitani.
"Interactive Card Weaving Design and Construction."
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Talks, Anaheim, Jul. 2013.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi and Jun Mitani.
"Interactive Hexagonal Mesh Editing for Beadwork Design".
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Posters, Singapore, Dec. 2012.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi and Jun Mitani.
"Beady: Interactive Beadwork Design and Construction" .
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Technical Sketch, Hong Kong, Dec. 2011.
Yuki Igarashi.
"DECO: A Designing Editor for Line Stone Decoration" .
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Poster, L.A., July 2010.
Yuki Igarashi and Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Designing a new toy to fit other toy pieces
- A shape-matching toy design based on existing building-blocks -" .
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Poster, L.A., July 2010.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi.
"Holly: A Drawing Editor for Stencil Design."
International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2009 Poster,
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Aug. 2009.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Automatically Adding Seam Allowance to Cloth Pattern."
SIGGRAPH 2008 Late-Breaking Program, Los Angeles, USA, August 2008.
(ACM Student Research Competition Semi Finalist)
- Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Knitty: 3D Modeling of Knitted Animals with a Production Assistant Interface."
Eurographics 2008 Annex to the Conference Proceedings (ISSN 1017-4656), pp.187-190.
- Yuki Mori, Takeo Igarashi, Ryo Haraguchi, and Kazuo Nakazawa.
"A Pen-based Interface for Generating Graphical Reports of
Findings in Cardiac Catheterization."
Eurographics 2007 Short Papers and
Medical Prize Awards proceedings,
Prague, Czech Republic, ISSN:1017-4656, pp.121-123, September 2007.
(the Eurographics 2007 Medical Prize Award (2nd Place) )
Yuki Mori, Takeo Igarashi.
"Pillow: Interactive Pattern Design for Stuffed Animals."
DVD publication at SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches & Applications, Boston, USA, August 2006.
Yuki Mori, Shigeo Takahashi, Takeo Igarashi, Yuriko Takeshima and Issei Fujishiro.:
"Automatic Cross-Sectioning Using 3D Field Topology Analysis."
DVD publication at SIGGRAPH 2005 Posters, L.A., August, 2005.
(ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finalist)
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (in Japanese)
Yuki Igarashi, Jun Mitani.
"Interactive Card Weaving Design and construction."
The Journal of the Society for Art and science, Vol.13, No.2, pp.97-106, 2014.
Yuki Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Handicrafts Design Support Systems for Creative Homemaking Education."
Journal of Graphic Science of Japan, Vol.46, No.1 / Issue no.135, March 2012.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi.
"Holly: A Drawing Editor for Stencil Design."
Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan,
Vol.53, No.3, pp.1119-1127, 2012.
Yuki Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"Cover Geometry Design using Multiple Convex Hulls for Novices."
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 77(11), 2011.
Yuki Igarashi, Takeo Igarashi, Hiromasa Suzuki.
"3D Modeling for Knitted Animal with Production Assistant Interface."
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 51-58, 2009.
Yuki Mori, Takeo Igarashi, Ryo Haraguchi, Tsunekichi Okawa, Tatsuo Yoshida,
Hiroshi Inada, Kazuo Nakazawa.
"Development of Effective User Interface for Graphical Finding Report in
Cardiac Catheterization."
Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 2006: 26(3), pp.169-175D
Yuki Mori, Shigeo Takahashi, Takeo Igarashi,
Yuriko Takeshima, Issei Fujishiro.
"Automatic Cross-Sectioning based on 3D Field Topology Analysis."
The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronic Engineers of Japan,
Special issue on Visual Computing, Vol.35, No.4, pp.252-260,(2006)D
2008 ACM Student Research Competition Semi Finalist.
"Automatically Adding Seam Allowance to Cloth Pattern."
Los Angeles, Aug. 2008.
- the Eurographics 2007 Medical Prize Award (2nd Place)C
"A Pen-based Interface for Generating Graphical Reports of Findings in Cardiac Catheterization."
Prague, Czech Republic, Sep., 2007D
- photo
2005 ACM SRC Grand Finalist, Undergraduate Category First Place,
"Automatic Cross-Sectioning Based on Volume Skeleton Trees",
San Francisco, May, 2006.
- ACM Awards Banquet story
Student Research Competition story
- my original photo
2005 ACM Student Research Competition
Grand Finalist (Undergraduate Category First Place),
"Automatic Cross-Sectioning Based on Volume Skeleton Trees",
Sponsored by Microsoft Research, Los Angeles, August, 2005.
- photo
- Yuki Igarashi,
Design support systems for handicrafts.
The University of Tokyo Ph.D. dissertation,
March 2010.(Japanese)
Research and Academic activities
- Pacific Graphics 2013, International Program Committee
- NICOGRAPH International 2012, Program Committee
- ARS Electronica Campus 2008: -Hybrid Ego- The University of Tokyo
and many papers and awards in Japanese ...