] [
*椎尾研終了のお知らせ Discontinuance of Activity [#df76b1...
Siio Laboratory discontinued at the end of March 2022, as...
* 椎尾研究室について About Siio Lab. [#g4ee30dc]
The main focus of Siio Laboratory is ubiquitous computing...
We currently have 6 graduates and 4 under graduate studen...
Undergraduate students belong to Information Sciences cou...
While graduate students belong to Computer Science course...
//Besides advisor Itiro Siio, two Ochadai JST Research Fe...
//They are Koji Tsukada and Keisuke Kambara.
//Besides advisor Itiro Siio, three faculty and staff mem...
//They are Koji Tsukada (Assistant Professor), Keisuke Ka...
//and Hitomi Tsujita (Postdoctoral Fellow).
** Members [#p31a0fd8]
- Faculty
//- Faculty and Staff
--椎尾 一郎 ItiroSiio (Professor)
--的場 やすし YasushiMatoba (Education and Research Coope...
--池松 香 [[KaoriIkematsu:
--横窪 安奈 [[AnnaYokokubo:
//--門村 亜珠沙 AzusaKadomura (Education and Research Coo...
//--塚田 浩二 [[Koji Tsukada:]] (O...
//--神原 啓介 [[Keisuke Kambara:]] (Oc...
//--塚田 浩二 [[Koji Tsukada:]] (A...
//--神原 啓介 [[Keisuke Kambara:]] (Re...
//--辻田 眸 [[Hitomi Tsujita:]] (Postd...
- Graduates
//--川上 あゆみ (休学中) [[AyumiKawakami:
--笹川 真奈 ManaSasagawa (D3・休学中)
//--川井 彩耶 AyaKawai (M2)
//--小島 珠貴 TamakiKojima (M2)
//--初鳥 花苗 KanaeHatsutori (M2・休学中)
//--金村 容華 YokaKanemura (研究生)
//--大島 榛名 HarunaOshima (M2)
//--小笠原 萌 MoeOgasawara (M2)
//--勝泉 夏生 NatsukiKatsuizumi (M2)
--石井 綾郁 [[AyakaIshii:
//--太田 あすか [[AsukaOhta:
//--下田 寛子 [[HirokoShimoda:
--半田 優華 [[YukaHanda:
//--宮武 陽子 [[YokoMiyatake:
--浦 恵里加 [[ErikaUra:
--田中 波輝 [[NamikiTanaka:
--福島 真花 [[ManakaFukushima:
--Feng Ziqing [[FengZiqing:
- Undergraduates
//--楠畑 真由 [[MayuKusuhata:
//--秦 朱音 [[AkaneShin:
//--尾頭 花奈 [[KanaBito:
//--松本 留奈 [[LunaMatsumoto:
--田中 真悠子 [[MayukoTanaka:
--長山 笑子 [[Emiko Nagayama:
--前寺 百合子 [[Yuriko Maedera:
--吉橋 亜未 [[Ami Yoshihashi:
Detailed information on members and alumnae is [[LabMembe...
Internal use only information on members is [[.LabMembers...
//† Cotents [#b538c21a]((ピリオド.およびアンダースコア_で...
† ピリオド.およびアンダースコア_で始まる名前のページは非...
** ホットな話題 Hot Topics [#hot]
- [[WISS2021:]]で[[石井 綾郁...
-Ayaka Ishii has received the Best Presentation Award by ...
- 卒業生の[[池松 香:
- Kaori Ikematsu has received the 25th JSSST Best Researc...
- 卒業生の尾頭 花奈さんが[[13th International ACM Confere...
- Kana Bito has received Honorable Mention at [[13th Inte...
- 卒業生の [[大島 榛名:
- Our full-paper has been accepted to ISS2020.
- [[池松香:]]さん及び...
- [[石井 綾郁:
- Our two papers have been presented at UIST2019.
- Ayaka Ishii has received UIST Best Demo Award.
- [[WISS2019:]]にて登壇発表...
- [[池松香:]]さん及び...
- Kaori Ikematsu and Ayaka Ishii have received the Best P...
- [[池松香:]]さんの論...
- Our two papers have been accepted to UIST2019.
- [[池松香:]]さんの論...
- Our papers have been accepted to WISS2019.
- [[池松香:]]さんの論文(LBW...
- Our LBW paper has been accepted to CHI2019. "[[Kaori Ik...
- [[WISS2018:]]にて登壇発表...
- 池松香さんが登壇発表賞を受賞
- Kaori Ikematsu has received the Best Presentation Award...
- 50th ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing S...
Students have presented their papers (full paper and demo...
- [[池松香:]]さんの論文が50...
- Our paper has been accepted to CHI2018. "[[Kaori Ikemat...
- [[WISS2017:]...
-Kaori Ikematsu has received the Best Paper Award and the...
- 尾崎保乃花さんが対話発表賞(PC委員推薦)を受賞
-Honoka Ozaki has received the Best Demo Award by our dem...
-過去の「ホットな話題」はここ Previous "Hot Topics" is ar...
-- HotTopicsArchive
** 発表・論文・マスコミ紹介 Publications [#je62a63d]
-論文・発表・特許・受賞 (Papers, Presentations, Articles,...
-2005年以降にメディアで紹介された研究 Topics high-lighted...
--[[2004年以前の記録は、こちら. Media high light before 2...
** プロジェクトのページ Projects [#pc10800c]
-最近のプロジェクト一覧はProjectsをご覧ください [[Click h...
--[[ユビキタスコンピューティング実験住宅 Ocha House (2007...
--写真で物探し Finding items by picture: MonoSagashi (20...
--メイクアップ作業を支援する電脳化粧鏡 Computer augmented...
--ユビキタスコンピューティング実験住宅 Ubiquitous computi...
--単身赴任/別居高齢者/遠距離恋愛を支援する Communicatio...
--[[タグタンス:服データベース作成を支援する家具 Wardrobe...
--A pointing device for ubiquitous computing. MouseField ...
--未来のキッチン:KitchenOfTheFuture (2002- )
--文鎮メタファー PaperweightMetaphor (2004-2007)
--[[お天気モンドリアン Decorative information display:htt...
--FieldMouse (1998-2001)
--IconSticker (1995-1999)
**打ち合わせ/記録用ページ Meetings and scheduling [#kbe...
//-Anamorphicons [[_AnamorPhicons]]
//-もの探しシステム[[_monosagashi]], [[_monosagashiOnUbun...
** 業務連絡 Information for lab. members [#nf2e8e07]
//--関連する研究者/研究室: [[.Researchers]]
--研究室のコンピュータ環境について[[.ComputerNetwork]] [[...
--買い物リスト [[.ShoppingList]]
** 学生の皆さんへの情報 Information for students [#o0e254...
//-Mac OS XでJavaをコンパイルするための超簡単な入門[[How2...
** 一般の皆さんへの情報 Public information [#afd3e99b]
- [[学生さんが書く研究室のブログ Students' blog:http://or...
-本学科卒論発表会のページ Grad and master thesis:GradThe...
-研究室へのアクセス情報 How to access to our lab [[Access...
//-[[キャンパスマップ Campus map :
** リンク Useful links [#zf439ced]
-[[椎尾のホームページ Itiro Siio's home page:http://web.i...
-[[キャンパスマップ University campus map:
-[[学科ホームページ Department of Information Science:htt...
-[[学科学内専用ページ Internal page of the department:htt...
全アクセス:&counter(total); 今日のアクセス:&counter(tod...
(This is banana.)
*椎尾研終了のお知らせ Discontinuance of Activity [#df76b1...
Siio Laboratory discontinued at the end of March 2022, as...
* 椎尾研究室について About Siio Lab. [#g4ee30dc]
The main focus of Siio Laboratory is ubiquitous computing...
We currently have 6 graduates and 4 under graduate studen...
Undergraduate students belong to Information Sciences cou...
While graduate students belong to Computer Science course...
//Besides advisor Itiro Siio, two Ochadai JST Research Fe...
//They are Koji Tsukada and Keisuke Kambara.
//Besides advisor Itiro Siio, three faculty and staff mem...
//They are Koji Tsukada (Assistant Professor), Keisuke Ka...
//and Hitomi Tsujita (Postdoctoral Fellow).
** Members [#p31a0fd8]
- Faculty
//- Faculty and Staff
--椎尾 一郎 ItiroSiio (Professor)
--的場 やすし YasushiMatoba (Education and Research Coope...
--池松 香 [[KaoriIkematsu:
--横窪 安奈 [[AnnaYokokubo:
//--門村 亜珠沙 AzusaKadomura (Education and Research Coo...
//--塚田 浩二 [[Koji Tsukada:]] (O...
//--神原 啓介 [[Keisuke Kambara:]] (Oc...
//--塚田 浩二 [[Koji Tsukada:]] (A...
//--神原 啓介 [[Keisuke Kambara:]] (Re...
//--辻田 眸 [[Hitomi Tsujita:]] (Postd...
- Graduates
//--川上 あゆみ (休学中) [[AyumiKawakami:
--笹川 真奈 ManaSasagawa (D3・休学中)
//--川井 彩耶 AyaKawai (M2)
//--小島 珠貴 TamakiKojima (M2)
//--初鳥 花苗 KanaeHatsutori (M2・休学中)
//--金村 容華 YokaKanemura (研究生)
//--大島 榛名 HarunaOshima (M2)
//--小笠原 萌 MoeOgasawara (M2)
//--勝泉 夏生 NatsukiKatsuizumi (M2)
--石井 綾郁 [[AyakaIshii:
//--太田 あすか [[AsukaOhta:
//--下田 寛子 [[HirokoShimoda:
--半田 優華 [[YukaHanda:
//--宮武 陽子 [[YokoMiyatake:
--浦 恵里加 [[ErikaUra:
--田中 波輝 [[NamikiTanaka:
--福島 真花 [[ManakaFukushima:
--Feng Ziqing [[FengZiqing:
- Undergraduates
//--楠畑 真由 [[MayuKusuhata:
//--秦 朱音 [[AkaneShin:
//--尾頭 花奈 [[KanaBito:
//--松本 留奈 [[LunaMatsumoto:
--田中 真悠子 [[MayukoTanaka:
--長山 笑子 [[Emiko Nagayama:
--前寺 百合子 [[Yuriko Maedera:
--吉橋 亜未 [[Ami Yoshihashi:
Detailed information on members and alumnae is [[LabMembe...
Internal use only information on members is [[.LabMembers...
//† Cotents [#b538c21a]((ピリオド.およびアンダースコア_で...
† ピリオド.およびアンダースコア_で始まる名前のページは非...
** ホットな話題 Hot Topics [#hot]
- [[WISS2021:]]で[[石井 綾郁...
-Ayaka Ishii has received the Best Presentation Award by ...
- 卒業生の[[池松 香:
- Kaori Ikematsu has received the 25th JSSST Best Researc...
- 卒業生の尾頭 花奈さんが[[13th International ACM Confere...
- Kana Bito has received Honorable Mention at [[13th Inte...
- 卒業生の [[大島 榛名:
- Our full-paper has been accepted to ISS2020.
- [[池松香:]]さん及び...
- [[石井 綾郁:
- Our two papers have been presented at UIST2019.
- Ayaka Ishii has received UIST Best Demo Award.
- [[WISS2019:]]にて登壇発表...
- [[池松香:]]さん及び...
- Kaori Ikematsu and Ayaka Ishii have received the Best P...
- [[池松香:]]さんの論...
- Our two papers have been accepted to UIST2019.
- [[池松香:]]さんの論...
- Our papers have been accepted to WISS2019.
- [[池松香:]]さんの論文(LBW...
- Our LBW paper has been accepted to CHI2019. "[[Kaori Ik...
- [[WISS2018:]]にて登壇発表...
- 池松香さんが登壇発表賞を受賞
- Kaori Ikematsu has received the Best Presentation Award...
- 50th ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing S...
Students have presented their papers (full paper and demo...
- [[池松香:]]さんの論文が50...
- Our paper has been accepted to CHI2018. "[[Kaori Ikemat...
- [[WISS2017:]...
-Kaori Ikematsu has received the Best Paper Award and the...
- 尾崎保乃花さんが対話発表賞(PC委員推薦)を受賞
-Honoka Ozaki has received the Best Demo Award by our dem...
-過去の「ホットな話題」はここ Previous "Hot Topics" is ar...
-- HotTopicsArchive
** 発表・論文・マスコミ紹介 Publications [#je62a63d]
-論文・発表・特許・受賞 (Papers, Presentations, Articles,...
-2005年以降にメディアで紹介された研究 Topics high-lighted...
--[[2004年以前の記録は、こちら. Media high light before 2...
** プロジェクトのページ Projects [#pc10800c]
-最近のプロジェクト一覧はProjectsをご覧ください [[Click h...
--[[ユビキタスコンピューティング実験住宅 Ocha House (2007...
--写真で物探し Finding items by picture: MonoSagashi (20...
--メイクアップ作業を支援する電脳化粧鏡 Computer augmented...
--ユビキタスコンピューティング実験住宅 Ubiquitous computi...
--単身赴任/別居高齢者/遠距離恋愛を支援する Communicatio...
--[[タグタンス:服データベース作成を支援する家具 Wardrobe...
--A pointing device for ubiquitous computing. MouseField ...
--未来のキッチン:KitchenOfTheFuture (2002- )
--文鎮メタファー PaperweightMetaphor (2004-2007)
--[[お天気モンドリアン Decorative information display:htt...
--FieldMouse (1998-2001)
--IconSticker (1995-1999)
**打ち合わせ/記録用ページ Meetings and scheduling [#kbe...
//-Anamorphicons [[_AnamorPhicons]]
//-もの探しシステム[[_monosagashi]], [[_monosagashiOnUbun...
** 業務連絡 Information for lab. members [#nf2e8e07]
//--関連する研究者/研究室: [[.Researchers]]
--研究室のコンピュータ環境について[[.ComputerNetwork]] [[...
--買い物リスト [[.ShoppingList]]
** 学生の皆さんへの情報 Information for students [#o0e254...
//-Mac OS XでJavaをコンパイルするための超簡単な入門[[How2...
** 一般の皆さんへの情報 Public information [#afd3e99b]
- [[学生さんが書く研究室のブログ Students' blog:http://or...
-本学科卒論発表会のページ Grad and master thesis:GradThe...
-研究室へのアクセス情報 How to access to our lab [[Access...
//-[[キャンパスマップ Campus map :
** リンク Useful links [#zf439ced]
-[[椎尾のホームページ Itiro Siio's home page:http://web.i...
-[[キャンパスマップ University campus map:
-[[学科ホームページ Department of Information Science:htt...
-[[学科学内専用ページ Internal page of the department:htt...
全アクセス:&counter(total); 今日のアクセス:&counter(tod...
(This is banana.)