
*Demo [#da47828d]

|01|I-Eng: An Interactive Toy for Second Language Learning|
|02|From Computational Thinking to Computational Making: a Demo|
|03*|Creating a Thermoconductive Painting with a Hidden Message|
|04|Yarns with Embedded Electronics|
|05|MetamorphicWall:Module-based Massive Sensing and Representation|
|06|StudI/O:Toy-block Positioning only by Projection|
|07|"SAL: a small, simple. situated, ambient logger"|
|08|An Augmented e-Reader for Multimodal Literacy|
|09|Chameleon Dial: Repeated Camera-recording attack Resilient PIN input scheme|
|10|UBI:User Body Interface for Wearable and Touch Panel Device|
|11|Water-Jet Printer: Sprinkler with Watering-Position Control|
|12|L’evolved: Autonomous and Ubiquitous Utilities as Smart Agents|
|13|Bin-ary: Detecting the State of Organic Trash to Prevent Insalubrity.|
|14|Invisibilia: Revealing invisible data using augmented reality and Internet Connected Devices.|
|15|Sketching on 3D Structured Surfaces|
|16|MagNail: User Interaction with Smart Device through Magnet Attached to Fingernail|
|17|FingerPhone: Smart interphone integrated with a fingerprint sensor|
|18|CARduino: Device toolkit suitable for use in automobiles|
|19|A Social Media Based Real Scene Navigation System with a Holographic Projection on a HUD|
|20|SakuraSensor: A System for Realtime Cherry-Lined Roads Detection by In-Vehicle Smartphones|
|21|NFC-WISP: An Open Source Software Defined Near Field RFID Sensing Platform|
|22|Real-time Breathing and Heart-rate monitoring using commercial motion sensors|
|23*|RunBuddy: A Smartphone System for Running Rhythm Monitoring.|
|24|Node View: A mHealth Real-time Infectious Disease Interface – 2014 Ebola Outbreak Case Study|
|25|Supporting Collaborative Play via an Affordable Touching + Singing Plant for Children with Autism in China|
|71|AffectiveWear: Smart Eye Glasses to Recognize Facial Expressions|
|72|MEME – Eye Wear Computing to Explore Human Behavior|
|73|Using smart eyeglasses as a wearable game controller|
|75|A Privacy-Conscious Human-Tracking System|
|74|FootStep-Tracker: An Anchor-Free Indoor Localization System via Sensing the Foot Steps|
|76|Demo of MagnifiSense: Inferring Device Interaction using Wrist-Worn Passive Magneto-Inductive Sensors|
|77|WaistonBelt: A Belt for Monitoring Your Real Abdominal Circumference Forever|
|78|A Collaborative Gaze Aware Information Display|
|79|Orbits: Enabling Gaze Interaction in Smart Watches using Moving Targets|
|81|A Pedestrian Passage Detection Method by Using Spinning Magnets on Corridors|
|82|SenStick: Sensorize Every Things|
|83|Velobug: A Mobile System for 3D Indoor Mapping|
|84|TagRadar: Locating Objects Using a Smart Phone Accessory|
|85|BuildingRules: A Trigger-Action Based System To Manage Complex Commercial Buildings|
|86|A Generic Service Oriented Software Platform to Design Ambient Intelligent Systems|
|87*|ROC Speak: Semi-Automated Personalized Feedback on Nonverbal Behavior from Recorded Videos|
|88*|WISDOM: An Efficient Framework of Predicting WLAN Availability with Cellular Fingerprints|
|89*|Connecting the Things to the Internet: An Evaluation of Four Configuration Strategies for Wi-Fi Devices with Minimal User Interfaces|

*invited demos from paper sessions [#t6d07db5]

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