- 履歴一覧
- ソース を表示
- SiioLaboratory は削除されています。

椎尾研究室について About Siio Lab.†
The main focus of Siio Laboratory is ubiquitous computing applications and everyday human computer interactions.
We currently have 6 graduates and 4 under graduate students.
Undergraduate students belong to Information Sciences course in the Faculty of Science,
While graduate students belong to Computer Science course in the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences.
- Faculty
- 椎尾 一郎 ItiroSiio (Professor)
- 的場 やすし YasushiMatoba (Education and Research Cooperator)
- 池松 香 KaoriIkematsu (Education and Research Cooperator, Chief Researcher at Yahoo! Japan Corporation, Assistant Professor at Tohoku University)
- 横窪 安奈 AnnaYokokubo (Education and Research Cooperator, Research Associate at Aoyama Gakuin University)
† ピリオド.およびアンダースコア_で始まる名前のページは非公開ページです. Pages starting with a period (.) and underscore (_) require password to be browsed.
ホットな話題 Hot Topics†
- 卒業生の 大島 榛名さん及び学部協力研究員の池松香さんの論文がACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS2020)に採択されました.
- Our full-paper has been accepted to ISS2020.

- 池松香さん及び石井 綾郁さんがACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2019)で登壇発表しました。
- 石井 綾郁さんがACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2019)でUIST Best Demo Awardを受賞しました。
- Our two papers have been presented at UIST2019.
- Ayaka Ishii has received UIST Best Demo Award.
- 池松香さんの論文及び石井 綾郁さんの論文がACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2019)に採択されました.
- Our two papers have been accepted to UIST2019.
- 池松香さんの論文及び石井 綾郁さんの論文が第27回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS2019)にロングペーパーとして採択されました.
- Our papers have been accepted to WISS2019.
- 池松香さんの論文(LBW)が51st ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2019)に採択されました.
- Our LBW paper has been accepted to CHI2019. "Kaori Ikematsu, Masaaki Fukumoto, Itiro Siio, Ohmic-Sticker: Force-to-Motion Type Input Device for Capacitive Touch Surface"
- WISS2018にて登壇発表およびデモ発表を行いました.
- 池松香さんが登壇発表賞を受賞
- Kaori Ikematsu has received the Best Presentation Award by our paper titled “Ohmic-Sticker” at WISS2018.
- 50th ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2018)にてFull PaperおよびDemo発表を行いました.
Students have presented their papers (full paper and demos) at CHI2018. See this page for details of the papers.
- 池松香さんの論文が50th ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2018)に採択されました.
- Our paper has been accepted to CHI2018. "Kaori Ikematsu, Itiro Siio, Ohmic-Touch: Extending Touch Interaction by Indirect Touch through Resistive Objects"
- WISS2017で池松香さんが最優秀論文賞および登壇発表賞を受賞
- Kaori Ikematsu has received the Best Paper Award and the Best Presentation Award by our paper titled “Ohmic Touch” at WISS2017.
- 尾崎保乃花さんが対話発表賞(PC委員推薦)を受賞
- Honoka Ozaki has received the Best Demo Award by our demo titled "GetToyIn".
- 過去の「ホットな話題」はここ Previous "Hot Topics" is archived as follows:
発表・論文・マスコミ紹介 Publications†
- 論文・発表・特許・受賞 (Papers, Presentations, Articles, Patents and Award)
- 2005年以降にメディアで紹介された研究 Topics high-lighted by mass media.
プロジェクトのページ Projects†
打ち合わせ/記録用ページ Meetings and scheduling†
業務連絡 Information for lab. members†
学生の皆さんへの情報 Information for students†
一般の皆さんへの情報 Public information†
リンク Useful links†
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